Without the right support, many newly sober people are often forced back the same environments that caused them to use in the first place. We provide safe, clean sober living homes for those who are ready to take the next step in their recovery and find a purpose in life.

What We Do
The first days of recovery can feel hopeless and overwhelming. We give our residents a hand to hold on to as they build brand new life in sobriety. We help them find meetings and celebrate milestones as they recover the pieces of their lives step by step. We are more than just a halfway house...we are a family!
Our Passion
We take great pride in our homes and our residents. Our staff is highly trained and deeply embedded in the recovery community in Sarasota County, and all of our sober living homes have a House Leader. Through structure, accountability, in-house meetings and fellowship, our residents learn coping skills for struggling with the pain of addiction. Our sober living homes are industry leading FARR and NARR Certified.

Our Partners
Addiction steals and destroys. Many residents come into our home with only the clothes on their back. During their stay with us, they find work, learn new skills, and many finally get a college education. They pay back debts and carry the message of recovery to others. We have many partners who lend a helping hand so our new residents can buy a few groceries or clothes for work. Want to partner with us?