Dec 30, 2023Letting Go - Complete SurrenderI'm happy to give my Higher Power complete control. Mostly. And of almost everything. But one or two things I'm still holing on to...
Oct 21, 2022Recovery Tools for AnxietyBefore I found recovery, I was almost house-bound due to my anxiety. Today, my recovery tools to help me find peace.
Oct 28, 2019Why "THEY" Is The Worst Four Letter WordI hear the F-word everywhere I go, multiple times every day, but here's why the word THEY is more vile and dangerous than even the F-word.
Sep 23, 2019Anger: It's Not About the StaplerSomeone in my house, who shall remain nameless, messed with my stapler. I innocently asked who did it, and insanity erupted.
Jun 17, 20197 Tools To Fight People-PleasingNeeding my father's approval drove me to insanity. Over and over I tried to be obedient and please him.
Jun 1, 2019What Are Your Feelings Trying To Tell You?Feelings are like warning lights on a car’s dashboard. They quietly try to get our attention and are easy to ignore, but they matter.
May 10, 2019Four Myths About CodependencyCodependency is hard to define, so many people have misconceptions about what it is and more importantly how much it can hurt us.
May 2, 2019Purpose House Gets An InterventionOn Sunday, March 10, 2019, Jeff VanVonderen, from A&E's Emmy wining series Intervention, rolled into town with an urgent message for...